.PPT to YouTube to Bb

Narrating PowerPoint presentations is a great idea. There are a few challenges with just posting a narrated PowerPoint file in Blackboard. iPads and Chromebooks don’t play the sound. If a student doesn’t have PowerPoint, then they aren’t able to hear it, either.

Converting a .ppt File

Once you’ve narrated your PowerPoint presentation, what’s next? You’re going to want to export the file as a movie file.

Click this link for written instructions on converting a PowerPoint presentation to a movie. This video will also walk you through the steps. Remember to click the title of the video to watch it in YouTube at full-screen size.

Now that the file has been converted to a movie file, you need to upload it to YouTube. Anyone can sign up for a free Google account. For academic groups, we recommend creating one for a department and then share the login credentials with your group.

PPT to YouTube

Now that the file has been converted to a movie file, you need to upload the movie to YouTube.

Click this link for written instructions on converting a PowerPoint presentation to a movie. This video will also walk you through the steps. Remember to click the title of the video to watch it in YouTube at full-screen size.

Embedding in Blackboard

Now that the file is uploaded to YouTube, you can create the link to embed the video into Blackboard. It’s easy and will only take a few minutes.

Click this link for written instructions on converting a PowerPoint presentation to a movie. This video will also walk you through the steps. Remember to click the title of the video to watch it in YouTube at full-screen size.